Frustrated Students Still Aren't Studying Effectively?!

Let's reverse this trend for good... just in time to help students
rock their final exams.

Come to my FREE Unlock Student Learning Masterclass

on March 18, 9 - 11 a.m. PDT / 12 - 2 p.m. EDT!

We will learn:

  • Reflections from 15 years as an academic coach about what works (and what doesn't) in regards to motivating students
  • A summary of the best study advice from neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and executive function theory
  • The 3 "Strategic Study" skills that make the biggest difference in students' ability to learn (and raise their test grades, too!)
  • Exact instructions for how to teach these skills to students in your next class or coaching session to help them prep for finals
  • Hot-off-the-press updates to my Anti-Boring Study Cycle that make it even more effective
  • And more!

Can't be there live? No worries! Sign up and we'll send you the replay!

Sign Up Today...
to Unlock Student Learning

Yes! I'm ready to help students achieve staggering results with strategies that take only 15 minutes to teach and 5 minutes of weekly follow-up to maintain.

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    Your students are soooo going to LOVE you for this....